Program 3: Vigenere

Due date: Jul. 15, 2020 End of the day

Decrypt the following secret message, following any instructions given after you've done the decoding:

nol ycwh io ffpllhg uenmvi ihv qmdprlieg: zcfnd lfkt pqwayhz ib ofl.db/dgiaoy13

To do this we will use a Vigenere cipher.  In addition to knowing how to decipher the text, you also need to know what keyword was used.  You don't know what the keyword is, but you know it is one of the 93,297 words found in Joseph Conrad's book The Secret Agent.  Since this will otherwise take too long, you need to write the program to do this for you, trying every word in that book as a possible decryption key, having your program keep track of which word gives the result with the greatest number of valid dictionary words in it.

The starter code for this is found in zyBook section 7.7.
Check the attachments below:

Update: fixedDictionary.txt is the updated version of your dictionary that fixes some punctuation issues.  The dicionary.txt on zyBook and Gradescope has been updated accordingly.

Keep that in mind, you still need to keep the file reading as "dictionary.txt" for submitting on zyBook and Gradescope.