Lab 9 : Classes and Objects

July 20, 2020
For this lab, check zyBook section 10.24.
You will be writing classes and see how they work with data members and member functions.
Imagine we lived in a world where everyone would be given money to travel anywhere in the world for a vacation.
Where would you go, how much money would you request?
Refer to the main to know what parameters the functions take and what they return.
You are given a class Vacation with two data members a destination (String) which represents either name of the country or city you wish to visit cost (Integer) which represents the hypothetical amount in thousands of dollars you would request for
Stage 1: Get, Set(1 Point) (Two parts)

a) Write the set function for each data member: setDestination and setCost the main() accepts the user input for the respective field and passes it to the function. The set functions should take the user input and assign that value to the respective data member of the object.

b) Write the get function for each data member: getDestination and getCost The function returns the values of the respective fields and which are displayed in main.
Running the program should look like: (input indicated in bold)

 Enter the Destination and amount requested: (e.g. MachuPicchu 5): MachuPicchu 5
 You have requested for 5000$ for MachuPicchu

Stage 2: Constructors (1 Point)
Write a default constructor for the class to accept Alaska for destination name, 3 for cost Running the program should look like:

You have requested 3000$ for Alaska.

Stage 3: Compare Function (1 Point)
Write a compare function which can compare the place and cost of your request and tell you if you have requested for that place or not yet. The compare function should compare two objects and return true or false
e.g. one with valuse Alaska 3 and other with values Antarrtica 10.
Running the program should look like:

 Enter the Destination and amount to compare: (e.g. MachuPicchu 5): Alaska 3
 You have requested 3000$ for Alaska before.

Running again should look like:

 Enter the Destination and amount to compare: (e.g. MachuPicchu 5): Antartica 10
 You have  not requested 10000$ for Antartica yet.