Lab 7 : C Strings
July 13, 2020
We have been studying C string functions, and in class we reviewed these: strlen, strcpy, strncpy, strchr,strrchr, strstr, strcmp, strcat This week you will write your own version of some of these string functions.
You cannot use the built in string functions. You must implement each stage described below in a separate function and not in main()Specifically you will write one function each for the below stages. Running the program would look like:
Enter a word: cat That word has length: 3 cat without vowels is: ct Enter how many duplicates to make: 3 ctctctStage 1: Write the myStrlen() function so that it returns the length of the any given string Stage 2: Write a function removeVowels() such that it removes all the vowels in the word entered by the user and returns a vowel-less word. Stage 3: Write a function duplicateString() such that it duplicates the string of vowel-less words some number of times.