Introduction This is an optional lab. Check zyBook section 13.9. Step 1: (2 Point) Write a search function called linkedlistSearch( ) that takes a number, traverse through a linked list and return true…
Introduction Check zyBook section 13.13. You will be given some driver code: code in main that takes new numbers and puts it into the linked list The tests surpass the main…
Submit your code to Gradescope For this lab, the TAs need to manually go through your code to check if your functions are using recursion properly. When you are finished, download your code from…
For this lab you do not need to write code but rather will draw pictures to represent what declarations of data look like in memory. You can use any tool you prefer for…
For this lab, check zyBook section 10.24. You will be writing classes and see how they work with data members and member functions. Imagine we lived in a world where everyone would be…
This week you will be implementing some functions that use pointers. We have given you code in main, which calls some functions. Code for stage 2 and 3 are commented out. Uncomment the…
We have been studying C string functions, and in class we reviewed these: strlen, strcpy, strncpy, strchr,strrchr, strstr, strcmp, strcat This week you will write your own version of some of these string…
Today you will be decoding secret messages. We will be using Caesar Cipher, that was used by Caesar (the roman politician and military general) to pass messages to his army. It is a…
Instructions: Log in to your Zybooks account. Open lab 5, found in section 4.33. Edit and run your program in “Develop Mode”, and then switch to “Submit Mode” when you want to run…
Instructions: Log in to your Zybooks account. Open the lab 4, found in section 4.31. Edit and run your program in “Develop Mode”, and then switch to “Submit Mode” when you want to…
Instructions: The third lab will cover loops and conditionals. Log in to your Zybooks account. If you haven’t already signed up in zyBooks, see the course syllabus on how to do this. Open…
Instructions: The second lab will cover branching and conditions. Log in to your Zybooks account. If you haven’t already signed up in zyBooks, see the course syllabus on how to do this. Open…
Instructions: This first lab will get you started on code similar to what you need for the first programming assignment. Log in to your Zybooks account. If you haven’t already signed up in…